LIVEwell logo with text below it that reads "City of Los Angeles Wellness Program"

Managed by the Personnel Department, this program is a resource to support City employees of the LAwell Civilian Benefits Program. Let us help you to live well by focusing on fun activities and challenges across these four pillars of wellness: Physical Activity, Nutrition, Stress Management, and Prevention.

You can use the wellness portal to personalize health goals and activities, either on your own or supported by co-workers.

  • Earn up to $30 in Rewards Cash* each quarter redeemable for gift cards or fitness accessories, in addition to incentives for special challenges.

  • After you complete a brief Health Check, you will receive a personalized set of recommended health activities.

  • You choose additional activities focused on your unique nutrition, exercise, weight loss, or personal health goals.

*As required under the Internal Revenue Code, cash benefits will be reported as taxable income on an employee’s W2 for any earned rewards during the tax year, regardless of whether or not it is redeemed.

Getting started

We’ll help you make small, everyday changes for your wellbeing and focus on the areas you want to improve the most. Signing up is simple.

Visit the City’s wellness platform (powered by Personify Health):

  • Step 1: Create Your Account* – If you’re a first time visitor, click on the “Join Now” button on top or download the Personify Health app on your smartphone.

  • Step 2: Take the Health Check – Once you establish your account, take the Health Check. This is an important step so that you can be provided with custom recommended activities based on your specific interests.

  • Step 3: Choose Your Activities – Choose challenges and activities that appeal to you. There are many to choose from and new ones are always being added.

  • Step 4: Record Completed Activities – Each challenge or activity will ask you to perform and record activities. Login to your account on a daily or weekly basis to record your completed activities and earn points towards rewards.

  • Step 5: Share and Celebrate Wins Together – Give virtual high-fives to show support and cheer victories. Share your own achievements to inspire your peers on their wellness journeys. By connecting with your peers, you can give and feel support.

*You must be enrolled in the City’s LAwell Civilian Benefits Program (LAwell Program) by electing your City benefits such as health and dental insurance to register for a LIVEwell.la account. If you have been recently hired, please allow two to four weeks after your benefits are effective to create your LIVEwell.la account. For more information regarding LAwell Program benefits, please visit www.keepingLAwell.com.

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Check out support.personifyhealth.com
   Live chat: Monday–Friday, 2 am–9 pm ET

Email: support@personifyhealth.com


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