exclusive Fitness offers
Depending on your health coverage (Anthem or Kaiser), City of LA employees can access great discounts on fitness trackers, gear, and gym memberships!
Click on either button below to access information specific to your health insurance carrier.
If you are an Anthem member, click on the button above!
Anthem members can access activity tracker discounts from Garmin, Fitbit, and GlobalFIt, through the member portal.
Upon signing in, you’ll need to click on “Care” then “Discounts” to view their member-exclusive discounts.
Have additional questions?
Contact the Anthem Health Care Member Advocate
Phone: (213) 200-2987
Email: Lorena.Gomez@anthem.com
If you are a Kaiser member, click on the button above!
Kaiser Permanente members are eligible for ClassPass and One Pass Select Affinity programs getting access to unlimited on-demand video workouts at no cost, and reduced rates on in-person fitness classes!
Have additional questions?
Contact the Kaiser Permanente Member Advocate
Phone: (323) 219-6704
Email: LACity.Advocate@kp.org