What is the Support Plus - Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)?
Support Plus - EFAP is a 24/7, free, and confidential resource supporting you and your household members with everyday needs and life challenges, including the following:
Legal and Financial - provides legal, financial, and mediation services.
Work-Life Resources - supports members on topics such as parenting, childcare search, legal resources, and financial education.
Convenience Services - supports everyday needs such as travel support, event planning, and finding household service providers.
Confidential Counseling - provides support in areas such as stress management, personal relationships, and substance abuse.
After signing in at https://supportfinder.optum.com/cityofla, click on "See All My Benefits" to access links and additional information about these services.
How Does Support Plus - EFAP Work?
Legal and Financial Services cover the following benefits at little to no cost to you:
Legal consultation (free 30-minute attorney consultation per issue per year) and ongoing representation by an attorney is available at a 25% discounted rate.
Mediation services (free 30-minute telephonic or face-to-face consultation per issue per year).
Financial consultation (free 30 to 60-minute financial consultation per issue per year). Topics include debt reduction, investment plans, IRAs, taxes, budget management, and more.
Discounted fees for attorneys retained through EFAP.
Work-Life Resources and Convenience Services can be accessed through the EFAP website and Call Center at any time, without limitation.
Confidential Counseling - Members can schedule up to five face-to-face and/or web-video confidential consultations per person, per incident. Same day counseling services are available for emergencies. Members can call to be connected with a provider or search for a provider on the EFAP website.
Informational and educational resources are also available to members, which can be accessed at anytime on the EFAP website. Members have access to articles, guides, and self-help tools on various life & work, mind & body, financial & legal, and crisis support topics.
What to Expect When You Call Support Plus - EFAP
When members call, a specialist will listen to their needs and connect them to the appropriate resources. Clinicians, counselors, mediators, lawyers, and financial advisors are ready to help with:
Stress, anxiety, and depression
Marriage and parenting issues
Workplace conflicts
Sleeping problems
Financial or legal questions
Substance abuse or other addictions
Conveniences services search
Important Note Regarding Use of EFAP Benefits
Please note that after you have used available EFAP benefits for a particular service, charges for additional EFAP services will be your responsibility. Your current health plan includes mental health and substance abuse coverage. To receive those benefits, however, you may be required to have a referral and use a participating network provider. If you receive counseling through EFAP, make sure you understand how many visits are covered. Contact your health plan for information on additional mental health and substance abuse services available through the health plan.
How Do I Access Support Plus - EFAP?
As a civilian employee of the LAwell Program, you are automatically enrolled into Support Plus - EFAP at no cost to you. Members of your household can also use EFAP services, including dependents who are away from home at college.
Employees and members of their household can access Support Plus - EFAP representatives anytime – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – toll-free. English- and Spanish-speaking counselors are available.
Phone Number: 800-213-5813*
Access Code: CityofLA
*Callers will be asked to indicate they are LA City employees or household members of LA City employees.
Download and print this handy one-page flyer on the wide array of EFAP services available to you AND members of your household at no additional cost! Share it with your coworkers or post it in your office, lunch room, or common work areas.
Following is contact information for Employee Assistance Programs covering other groups of City employees:
Civilian (non-sworn, non-DWP) Employees:
(800) 213-5813
Harbor Department Employees:
(800) 367-7474
Department of Water and Power Employees:
(888) 439-7327
Los Angeles Police Relief Association:
(888) 285-2858
United Firefighters of Los Angeles City:
(800) 252-8352 Ext. 225