Paid parental Time

As a City employee, you may be entitled to up to four months of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave and four months of California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave from work for disability, caring for family members, and bonding. Some or all of this leave might be paid, depending on how much paid time off you have available.

Use this guide to begin learning about your options. For more details, you can check your MOU (or the Administrative Code for non-represented employees). You can also talk to your department’s FMLA Coordinator at any time.


+ Review benefits

  • If you have worked 1,250 hours (in some cases 1,040, depending on your MOU) or more for the City in the last 12 months, and have not taken family medical leave in the last 12 months, you will be eligible for protected leave. This time can be taken altogether, or in some cases intermittently to allow for flexibility after you return to work.

  • Pregnant individuals are eligible for disability leave and bonding leave. Usually, this leave starts some time before delivery and ends around 12-18 weeks after birth, but the exact dates depend on the individual and their specific circumstances.

  • New parents who are not giving birth (e.g. partners of pregnant individuals or adoptive parents) are eligible for bonding leave of up to 4 months. They are also eligible for family medical leave to care for a partner who is experiencing disability due to pregnancy or childbirth.


Depending on how long you have worked for the City, and how much paid time off you have accrued, you may be able to use a combination of the following paid time options to continue your income while you are on leave. The order in which you use these will be determined by your MOU (or the City’s Administrative Code if you are unrepresented), and you can get assistance from an FMLA coordinator to help you understand what your options are. 

+ Paid Parental Time

The City of Los Angeles launched the Paid Parental Time pilot program for City employees. The program will offer 240 hours of Paid Parental Time to civilian (non-DWP) employees while they are on Family Medical Leave for pregnancy or bonding, and will run retroactively from January 1, 2021. Please note that this is currently a pilot program that is set to expire on June 30, 2025.

+ Vacation Time

City employees accrue vacation time each pay period according to the number of years they work for the City. New employees can use their vacation time once they have worked for the City for one year.

+ Sick Time

City employees accrue sick time according to their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or the City of Los Angeles Administrative Code (for non-represented employees). To find your MOU, click this link. To view the sick leave section of the Administrative Code, click this link.

+ Disability Insurance

Civilian employees who are members of the LAwell Program are automatically enrolled in disability insurance providing income replacement of up to 50% of salary for a maximum of two years.

+ State Disability Insurance

You may be eligible for state disability if you paid into this program before working for the City of LA.

+ Unpaid Time

In some cases, employees may choose to take unpaid leave during their time away from work.

Learn about how much leave you are entitled to through federal, State, or City Policy, using these resources: