Telecommute Successfully
Most of us who are telecommuting are experiencing what it’s like to work from home for the first time.
Here are a few tips to help you telecommute successfully:
Get into a routine. Maintain a level of regularity and consistency by keeping your normal work routine but adjust as needed to being at home.
Define your new “work clothes.” Our clothes help us create “chapters” in our days – dress in ways that help you signal when work begins and when work ends.
Don’t work in bed (or on your sofa). Your bed and sofa are for lounging and relaxing. Get in the right mindset to be productive. Sit upright at a desk and table.
Stay active. When you take your breaks, get up and get active! Do some stretches or move around the house. It’s a perk of being at home!
Communication. Keep the lines of communication open and check in with your supervisor daily over phone, email, and/or chat.