Easy Relaxation Steps with LIVEwell.la
Connection. Consider sharing a meal and engaging conversation by hosting a virtual lunch with coworkers, family, and friends or spark some friendly competition by hosting virtual game lunches!
Mindfulness. Practice mindfulness as a team! Track the moments you spend reflecting calmly on the present by journalizing your thoughts and turning off distractions like the TV or cell phone notifications.
Healthy Eating. It’s easy to “stress eat” but LIVEwell.la makes it easy to avoid this impulse with healthy eating tips. Drink more water, don’t skip meals, and have the right snacks (e.g nuts, fruits, hummus).
Stress-Busting activities can also be found on LIVEwell.la!
To create your personal wellness account on LIVEwell.la, click here to get started or download the app on your smartphone by searching “Limeade ONE” in the Google or Apple store and using code COFLA.